If you do not have skin challenges, I hope you will read this blog and understand the discriminatory impact and mental health pressures for a person with “bad” skin. When we know, we can catch ourselves when beauty "standards" feed our bias.
If you have skin challenges. Scroll down a bit.
The blog.
We are absolutely judged
by our skin. The emotional pain can be immense.
To my readers without serious skin challenges: Please read and consider:
“Bad” skin can be perceived as old, unhealthy, and dirty. Our perceptions promote social stigma, leads to a lower quality of life, restricts people of opportunities, discriminates against job opportunities, subjected to inaccurate personality judgement and more. Crushed self-esteem, anxiety, depression, even suicidal thoughts can be triggered.
As Tim Grossbart, PhD, points out in his article, The Emotional Impact of Skin Problems, “Skin disorder rarely kill people, but they have a menacing ability to chew them up and spit them out."
The Dove Self-Esteem project found that “Americans spend more on their appearance than on social welfare, health, and education combined.” Body dissatisfaction has a $300 billion price tag. Body appearance discrimination was estimated at $500 billion.
Dove created the Real Beauty campaign to break stereotypes of appearance.Their goal is to rewrite the script on our judgements. Note, however,
I was not lost on the fact that EVERY person on their site,
hypocritically, has “good” skin.
Sorry, if I offend, but it's true!
We all LOSE when we judge.
While researching this blog, I saw a gal on TV speaking about the travesty in Florida after Hurricane Ida. She had serious freckles on her face and I caught myself repelling from what I saw. DANG! I thought! This is JUST what I'm writing about and all she has is unusual pigmentation! I missed some of her words as I slammed against my culture-based bias!
American culture is seriously biased against people who don’t have even, “pure” and yes, white skin. Let's start by being aware and catch ourselves judging in our mind! Pause to understand our reaction and it's root. Stop and examine thoughts because someone's future depends on a new dialogue!
For those who are looking for skin relief: As a chemist, I deeply look at what's in, on, and around us - a holistic approach. The appearance of our largest organ depends on so many factors! Internal health, emotional health, the environment, genetics, allergies, diet, food availability, stress - and where should one start? Your doctor, who can diagnose and treat any underlying ailment.
If you work with me, I spend an hour and a half intake with new clients to deeply hear their story. My clients have told me that they have never felt so deep heard.
Because of my holistic approach, clients have experienced remarkable turnarounds rather quickly. The coolest part is many, with time and consistency, many also experience side benefits. And, oh, how they LOVE those lovely surprises!
Set up a friendly, free 10 minute chat to learn more about what's possible and get to meet me.
Thanks for reading!