Tuesday, June 20, 2023

What it looks like 25 years later

It started with a problem. 

25 years ago, my doctors told me that I was “going to be sick - definitely for weeks, most likely for months and there’s nothing that can be done”. But that’s not how my story went. 


The punch line changed because Sandy, my friend, courageously persisted telling me, a stubborn chemist, that Shaklee vitamins were different. She didn’t know how, but they worked. Oooo, they did “work” for me. And, 25 years later? I am very happy with my health. I wish this knowledge for everyone I know - 25 years later, we can still be healthy and strong. 

How can we possibly know what what health will look like 20+ years in the future? 


We can't. No one can promise or guarantee our future health. What we can do is do what’s in our power to reduce the risk of disease, like giving our cells all they need, when they need it. Multiple, published, peer-reviewed research studies were clear; those who took Shaklee for 20+ years were statistically and significantly healthier than:

  • those who didn’t take anything, 
  • those who just took a multivitamin, 
  • and even those who took a few supplements.

The ultimate package for risk reduction is when we 

  • eat a mostly plant-based, colorful diet. 
  • exercise regularly.
  • see our doctor regularly.
  • insure our cells have a banquet of nutrition at all times.
  • protect sleep.
  • get lots of mental stimulation. 
  • stay social.
  • calm it down.
  • and create a healthy physical environment.

Each piece reduces our risk of disease. Together, they are a powerhouse of disease risk reduction!

If you are experiencing a downward trend in health or would like me to take a good look at what you are doing, learn about a consultation or you can book a consultation here. Clients often say they have never felt "so heard". 

But is a consultation right for you? I don't know either! That's why I offer free 10-minute chats to explore if there’s a next step that's right for you. All Sandy and I want for you is to be really happy 20 years from now. 


Thanks for reading!

P.S. Here's my nutritional support program, I have a really icky family health history and was a very sick kid and young adult. I am SO happy I didn't leave any cards on the table, so to speak!

Monday, April 24, 2023

A pattern of eating makes the difference in brain and body health

Ready to dive into the nitty gritty for any hope of reducing the risk or, in some studies, even reversing cognitive decline? Perhaps review my previous blog for the 8 areas of lifestyle, when taken in total, is critical for cognitive health.

Naturally, all starts with food. If you’d like to see a couple of my favorite science-based diets, look at the Mediterranean Diet, the Dash Dietor the Mind DietThis blog sheds light on how even healthy foods can get in our way and create a brain - killing problem. To avoid it, a specific way of eating helps maintain a healthy brain

What’s the brain killing problem? High blood sugar – especially fasting blood sugar levels even at pre-diabetic levels. Left alone, high blood sugar in the brain promotes cascades of cellular dysfunction, plaque formation, inadequate plaque removal, inflammation, and oxidative stress. All that damage is consistent with the strong correlation of Alzheimer's and Type II diabetes.

The fuel source of a cell is the simple sugar glucose. Brains, being extremely active, are fuel hogs and require a generous, consistent supply of glucose. (Click here for my Food for Thought blog!) Nature intends us to use carbohydrates as our primary food source. Carbs are efficiently digested into the glucose we need to feed the brain. Our attention should be on the type of carbs we eat, how we eat them, and when we eat them to avoid high blood sugar. 

Simple carbohydrates like table sugar, are digested and absorbed quickly, causing a spike in blood sugar levels. See the graph above? The red dotted line is a blood sugar spike of digested table sugar followed by a chaser of insulin (blue dotted lines). Insulin’s job is to get the glucose out of our bloodstream and into our cells. Hard candy will spike blood sugar in just 5-15 minutes.

Starchy foods, basically chain-linked strings of dehydrated sugars, include potatoes, corn, bagels, peas, many breakfast cereals, white rice, and pasta. They are a bit slower to digest, but still raise blood sugar high and fast -see the solid red line with the solid blue insulin rise. Add water and those sugars fall apart as enzymes swoop right in, separate the sugar components, and off into the blood stream they go. I suggest eating only moderate servings of starchy vegetables in a well-balanced meal. 

Carbs high in dietary fiber change the equation. These carbs are generally mixtures of starches and indigestible plant material. When water is added to these complex carbs, the indigestible parts absorb water and form these cool, satisfying gels that slow down the digestion process, produces sustained glucose levels and help us to feel full and satisfied. These beautiful complex carbs are found in whole grains, nuts, beans and lentils, psyllium fiber mixes, and non-starchy vegetables. 

The key to balancing meals: We must marry high-quality protein, portion controlled carbs high dietary fiber, and a little healthy fat at each meal to balance blood sugar and produce a constant supply of brain fuel at a healthy rate. 

Why is this so? Take a look at the diagram. Our goal is to start the day with a meal that balances blood sugar. In waking hours, before it drops too deeply we time the next meal to catch the drop in blood sugar and gently raise it again. We can have snacks, but again, think protein, complex fiber, with a bit of fat like hummus and veggies or a portion of nuts.

My clients most struggle mrs with putting the three together at breakfast. I love making it easy with a morning Life Shake in soy or non-soy plant versions, and 180 whey versions. With 16-20 g of protein, 5-6 g of dietary fiber, healthy plant fats, and all the nutrition needed in a meal, my brain is well fed and I remain satisfied for a long time. Ask me for lots of delicious recipes to start your day right!

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Re-routing the Downward Spiral of Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Want to know the truth?

Do you really think you’re going to escape memory loss or neurological disease? Not likely. Especially if you live a long time.


What gives? Why is brain disease accelerating so much? 


How we handle disease prevention sucks.


Alzheimer’s is not one disease, it’s a conglomerate of problems that end up as AD (same for heart disease, cancer, and more). We must address multiple areas of health and lifestyle – not just the amyloid plaques and tau proteins that build up in the brain that prove someone has Alzheimer's. 


Science confirms brain disease starts decades before symptoms start. Brain shrinkage begins in our 30’s! Are you 45 or older? Double down now! Especially if there’s a family history of dementia, cardiovascular disease, or diabetes or if you lead a stressful life. Most humans love to ignore the future and loathe having to change. Me too. It's human. You’ll see below we all have more action we can take to reduce our risk of brain and body diseases. 


But here’s the punch line of Alzheimer’s and many neurological disease: It is up to us to prevent or reduce the risk of occurrence, even if we have genetic markers for dementia. 


There’s only one protocol I know of that reversed memory loss in AD patients. If you do it with a certified functional physician, it will cost you tens of thousands of dollars. As most of us don’t have that, I guide clients to work with their physician and get as much of the protocol engaged as possible. I’ll list the lifestyle areas in this blog and break each component down in future blogs.


The bottom line now is, do this stuff now to preserve all you can, for as long as you can. Action is the truth. Hoping on a pill, brain game apps, and magic supplements are not enough.


If you or a loved one is concerned about or experiencing even mild memory loss and the doctor isn’t too concerned yet, please don’t hesitate to book a consultation or at least, a free 10-minute chat. Click to my website to hear a remarkable recovery story. She’s now 96-year-old and still recognizes her family. 


The 8 + 1 Areas of the Healthy-Brain Lifestyle, in Brief

Embrace these for your best chance of a healthy body and brain. 


Someone with memory loss cannot pick and choose. It’s all in, all the time.  I’ll be indelicate: Deal. With. It. For any hope of memory to return – just do all of it and don’t stop. Patients who stop or pause this lifestyle regress quickly - another difficult truth.

  • Eat a low inflammation, low blood sugar diet (Magic pill #1). 
  • Exercise at least 150 + minutes a week (Magic pill #2).
  • Get good sleep (Magic pill #3) and rest.
  • See your doctor regularly. Ask good questions, have the right labs done, and get the right treatments.
  • Use a range of strategic supplementation to support brain and metabolic health. 
  • Socialize regularly – mix it up to connect with different people.
  • Manage stress.
  • Do mental gymnastics, meaning, engage in multiple forms of brain stimulation and mix the types up to keep the neural connections nimble.
  • Address and eliminate environmental toxins. 

I’ll also add, do purposeful work, whether it be job or ministry, that uses your unique self to bring love and healing to a weary world. 

Thanks for reading!


Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Curious about detoxing or cleansing?

What does “detoxing” or ”cleansing” even mean? The definition seems to be in the eye of the beholder.  

Scientists really don’t know much. Most studies have only a few people or are poorly designed. This is what is evident:

  • Detox / cleansing is not useful for long-term weight loss. 
  • Diabetics need to be very careful. 
  • Long-term cleanses are nutritionally deficient.
  • Excessive laxative or laxative-like supplement use backfires.
  • Colonics can have dangerous health risks. 
  • If we’re loaded with true toxins such as heavy metals or mycotoxins, go to a doctor!
  • A cleanse is a good way to start a weight management lifestyle. 

Another fact: our livers, digestive systems and kidneys do a pretty darn good job pushing out toxins and are our natural “detoxers”. Is there even a place for detoxing or cleansing? 


Yes! Cleansing gives the digestive system a break and can support our liver and kidneys with their housecleaning. It becomes easier to say no to “white foods” ** as many find their sweet tooth calm down. When I eat more meat, bakery, and alcohol (hello holidays!!!), I simply want more! When I cleanse, I end up feeling so good in 3-5 days, I’m easily back on track! My clients also report more energy and fewer cravings in just 4-5 days. Many love that they lose weight – but again, that’s partially due to a cleaned out digestive system!


What does it take to cleanse? 


The cleanse I do and recommend involves eating fresh, plant-based foods along with a simple combination  of probiotics, enzymes, and gentle herbs. Anyone who cleanses using my products and guidance gets lots of delicious recipes, support, education – well, as much support as they want! Learn more about the details of the Healthy 7-day Cleanse by emailing joy@bostonnaturalproducts.com or click this link see the official Shaklee information.


What’s the greatest hurdle to cleansing? 


The worst part of cleansing is what’s in our heads! We make all sorts of stories about deprivation and how hard it is! What is really going on is we’re fighting evolution! The slightest thought of “shaking up the program” becomes a big deal! Knowing that, we can change the focus. I focus on the benefits! I know that in 4 days, I will feel the difference and I’ll like it! I’ll have fewer cravings, energy without caffeine, and less inflammation! It works every time. I'm confident you'll like it too!




** “white foods” are foods with simple sugars or refined grains and are typically white or beige- think table sugar, white pasta, white rice, low fiber breads, bakery, alcoholic drinks, sodas, etc. All of these are considered high glycemic foods that contribute to a fast rise in blood sugar Spikes in sugar taxes the pancreas, causes a lot of inflammation, and nutritionally leaves us craving for more. 

What it looks like 25 years later

It started with a problem.  25 years ago, my doctors told me that I was “going to be sick - definitely for weeks, most likely for months and...