Thursday, June 23, 2022

Food for thought: Brains are picky FUEL HOGS.

Brains, compared to the rest of the adult body, are small- about 3 pounds. Oh that little organ is a downright fuel hog! Oh Audrey, move over!

Audrey from Little Shop of Horrors

Brains suck up around 20% of the food we digest and the oxygen we breath. What else can we expect from our control center organ that runs the whole show of body and brain mechanics?

I invite you to take a moment and get a grasp of what’s going on and the boat load of chemical reactions necessary to even convert food to body energy. Ukrainian Scientist known on Wikipedia as Zlir’a, illustrated a very cool image representing the core series of chemical reactions required. And, see that little circle in the lower center? That little part alone is this. Just WOW! Our bodies are truly fearfully (as in deserving of awe and respect) and wonderfully made! 

What does this ever-hungry organ really need to remain fully functional for a lifetime? 

I appreciate Dr. Eva Selhub’s Harvard Health blog analogy of food fuel types. A high-performance car can't be fueled with low premium gas then expected to supply top notch performance and longevity, right?. Same for a brain! Here's a refresher on the brain fuel we should be eating

What is less known is the impact of low quality fuel on brains. 

Dr. Selhub writes: 

“Diets high in refined sugars**, for example, are harmful to the brain.” All that refined sugar requires more Insulin into the brain to digest those sugars. The chronic presence of too much sugar leads to Insulin resistance that “may damage the cognitive system and lead to dementia states.”­


**refined sugars include all “white foods” - breads, bakery, pastas, rice, potatoes, etc. Dementia, in some circles is called Diabetes Type III.

If we want to have brains that function well all our lives, it's not about our genes, it's about our lifestyle. Wneed to take responsibility and feed the brain premium fuel. Yes, that means squelching impulses and excuses with self-control and reality. At the most basic level, brains want:

  1. Loads of nutrients - beaucoup vegetables, high quality proteins and fiber rich meals.  
  2. Exercise 
  3. Stimulation
  4. And a modest, yet full range of supplements that reduce the risk of disease, especially diabetes and heart disease.

I welcome you to schedule a 10 minute chat to explore targeted brain support programs and what that may look like for you.


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