Tuesday, August 30, 2022

65 begins at 25.

Naturally, 25–30 years-old don't think much about 30 years into the future. A happy, prosperous retirement, though, needs planning. We plan our 401K's life insurance, and long-care disability. Health planning Is crucial too. Is there such a thing?

Like death and taxes, Aging is unavoidable. It will affect the quality of our "golden years". An active, freedom-filled retirement needs planning or we'll end up with the typical version- landing in lots of doctor’s offices.

Let's start some facts:

Reality check!

  • We aren't as healthy as we think we are. 
  • We certainly aren't getting all our nutrients, even with a good diet. 
  • Nutrient intervention through supplements is a good option. 

If we don’t intake all our essential nutrients, our bodies cannot function to their ideal capacity and efficiency. Keeping reading for what's "enough." Here, though,is one example of how aging accelerates with just one nutritional deficiency. 

Our faulty "early detection system."

Early micro-deficiencies or deficiencies go unnoticed. Young bodies “fudge” a lot without feeling the lack of fundamental nutrition. Hitting the bars? Living on ramen noodles or take-out? Vegetarian and vegan diets? Working their butts off? Smoking and vaping? Too hearty workouts or sports injuries? Binging on social media or binging TV when they finally get downtime? Young bodies get away with a lot before the toll adds up. The complaints starts around age 35.

Can vitamins be a "life hack" to increase our "good" retirement chances? 

I never recommend "living on" supplements! When combined with healthy lifestyle habits, the right supplement support at the right science-based levels appear to be beneficial.

How the right supplement helped reduce future risks.

Multiple studies of people who took a full range of supplements from my go-to brand**, consistently over time, has been shown in multiple published, peer-reviewed papers, to have 

**One reason I trust this brand is that they are the only supplement company in the world who has done these studies.

These folks made a good investment for their long-term health and their investment paid off wonderfully. Can you see any reason not to explore the benefits an ample supply of nutrition so your body never fudges

I’m right here for your long-term benefit too. Why not set up a 10-minute chat and see if what I have will serve your health goals? 

Thanks for reading!

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